Those Close To Us Can Cause So Much Hurt
Those Close To Us Can Cause So Much Pain
Isn’t it amazing, the hurt and damage
someone can do?
Especially by the one who said; “I Love You!”
Isn’t it amazing, how someone,
which we’ve given our heart.
Can betray our love, and “tear it all apart?”
On that special day, when
your vows were exchanged…
It’s almost like “overnight,” some people change!
Throughout this country,
this seems too commonplace.
As people seek their own desires…
Instead of God’ grace.
Isn’t it amazing, how anger, jealousy
and bitterness begins?
Even amongst our loved ones,
that we have called “friends?”
What’s more amazing… Is how God,
in his mercy and care..
Still loves us. And he is always there!
No matter what you’ve said,
or what you do.
God remains the same.
And is always there for YOU!
He is faithful! His commitment to you
is strong and secure!
His love is everlasting! And is 100% PURE!
I stand amazed, as to how God still loves us.
He asks for our heart. He wants to trust us!
Won’t you come and experience
his love today?
He loves you much more
than words can say!
By Jim Pemberton