Those Hands
He spoke and what He willed appeared,
then stooped and scooped hands full of clay.
He shaped a man whose eyes were closed,
till He blew breath into his nose.
When enemies against Him stood,
His hands defeated all his foes.
Pharaoh’s army He overthrew,
heathen armies were conquered too.
As He walked in flesh among us
those hands, the sick and broken healed.
With two fish and five loaves of bread
five thousand men, those kind hands fed.
After his usual busy days,
those hands that healed and helped were clasped.
The early watches of the night
were used to pray for divine might.
Those hands that wrought good without fail
were spread out wide and pierced with nails.
The cruel hands of evil men
performed the deed that prophets penned.
Those hands the course of history guides,
though crass chance seems to hold the reins.
His sovereign sway will win the day,
goodness shall triumph all the way.
Those hands that formed Adam from clay
and guides the way, while holding sway,
which always did all that they could,
reveal to us that God is good.