Those Sounds That Now Arrive In Early Morn
Those Sounds That Now Arrive In Early Morn
Can one ever believe in this hope and life,
when infancy now has no great strife?
Yet soon a decision simply must be made,
nobody sits forever in contented shade!
In this ole world evil and chaos abounds,
chases us like a mad pack of wild hounds.
Across flowering meadows we swiftly race,
doing most anything to not this life face.
Sadly, desperate flaws we all must endure
our souls weak, none so clear and pure.
Living bravely is what we really should do,
this world's low standards give no clue.
Often our silence seals our sad fate,
yell or scream before its too late!
When that boulder hits you from above,
curse it and swiftly give it a shove.
Along this path signs will soon appear,
yield not to the ever present fear.
Boldly strive to give love that is true
knowing, a record is always kept on you.
We may see with our poor, muddy eyes,
its all there in our imagination skies.
A ship with our happiness its only load,
upon these stormy seas we must be bold!
Are we to be mere victims of our world,
never defiant with our banner unfurled?
Nay, tis better we pray for hope greater,
follow not the path of saddened life hater.
This life is now resting in a true, loving place
faith, love and joy smile upon this face.
Those sounds that now arrive in early morn;
Yes, I remember-
they were there back when I was first born!
Robert J. Lindley, 01-24-2015
note: Facing life with courage and hope.
Ending will come someday but I now know I was granted mercy,
a great blessing and true love of wife , family and friends!