Thoughts, They Haunt Me
Of HIM make my head spin.
He leaves soon, for the army, and for all I know it could be my fault.
Of what I had with HIM make me feel so empty inside.
He made me feel the best I had in a long, long time, and I blew it, without even
Of what could've possibly been in my future had I not blown it bring me to tears.
I still can't stop thinking, seeing, feeling us together for years---
married, with kids, a cute little house in the country, happy as can be---
but those are now just thoughts, they will never actually BE.
Of why I let him go so easy, well they just make no sense to me.
I was too willing to let the best thing in my world go, over a stupid little note.
I found out about it, and without thinking it over and talking things through, I said
nope that's all she wrote.
Of a future without him in it---
seem like no future at all, an empty void that seems like it will never be filled.