Thoughts of Life Anymore
Sometimes when you feel like you cant take anymore.
When life doesn't seem worth it anymore.
You have thoughts in your head swirling around, bad thoughts,
thoughts of dieing of hurting yourself, whatever it takes to get rid of the pain.
Stress it is a slow and utter defeat of the mind and body. There are some that
can take it all in the not let it get to them, than there are others who take it all in
and it eats away at them, slowly taking them down, down deep into nothingness.
When that happens life just is not worth it anymore. Life is also not something to
be taken lightly.
It is a gift one so precious that should not feel like a burden, a chore to wake
up another day, to deal with the world to go though the motions to take another
breath of life.
Life it can really be a drag at times, but life can also be beautiful.
Although at times you may want to give in and quit the game.
Don't because that, that is when you truly fail. Don't let it consume you, take life
and embrace it one day at a time.