Three Keys
Three keys - such simple words, with meaning so profound.
Sometimes to them - we might even be bound!
In Marriage vows - we Love, Honor, and Cherish.
Whether we say these words - under the sky or in a parish.
A different set of three is - Hope, Faith, and Charity.
Getting these together nowadays - is quite the rarity!
Keys can open us up - to many possibilities.
And by focusing on what drives us - pass through difficulties!
We've all heard the words - Live, Laugh, and Love.
These could have been sent to us - from our Guardians up above!
If I were to create a set - I'd go with Faith, Friends, and Family.
Because most times - it's here - that we get help with our Spirituality!
Three keys are also open to interpretation - and can mean anything to you.
They can even have an impact - on all you say and do!
No combination of three keys is wrong - if they bring you peace of mind.
Or helps you with others be - Patient, Tolerant, and Kind!
Footnote: Written 7-14-16