Love Poem: Three Sides To Every Story
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Written by: Anisha Dutta

Three Sides To Every Story

         Every story to get composed
        is supposed to be
       inside an irregular triangle.
        To start with story of 'Life',
        largest side is Family, so far my belief,
       showing love and responsibilities.
       Next come career and struggle.
       Shortest side consists achievements and failures.

      Story of 'Family' consists of three sides 
     showing 'Marital  Commitment ', ' Raising Children ',
     ' Fulfilling Domestic and Social Duties.'
      Largest side fixed to rear up offsprings.
      Which side between the  rest two will get priority,
      depends on personal choice.
      Useless to raise voice.

     ' Career - Story ' is  basically focused on
      ' Ambition ', Work' and ' Circumstances '.
       Challenges appear in every step
      to be tackled by individual, when to escape
       where to confront , when to hide,
       balancing the lengths of three sides.

         A 'Love Story holds emotions on largest side.
          Passion is pasted on next side.
          Satisfaction or Despondency
            completes the triangle.
        ‘ Soul Story ‘ recycles on sides of a triangle,
         three vertices being‘ Birth Point’, ‘ Death Point ‘
           and Terminal Point of  ‘After Life’.
           Life starts from Birth Point to reach Death Point.
            Traversing path of After Life
             returns to Birth Point.
            The lengths of the sides vary 
              in different journey, when to hurry
               where to make pause or go slow
                 to be decided 
                on discretion of individual Soul
                free to move in Cosmos 
                on unknown zone
                 subject to laws of Nature.
                   Always three sides to every story..
                     How sad some forget,
                    Yet bound to accept
                     scheduled trajectory 
                     in triangular territory.