Three Wishes
If I were granted three wishes for the world, I'd wish first for
Truth -- an end to Lies and Deception -- Integrity at its core
Starting with each individual, in every home, on every block
In every city, every region, every country -- Truth as society's bedrock
Next I'd wish for Peace -- permanent, everlasting and real
More than just the absence of War, Peace with Truth as its seal
Peace between family members in every single home
Peace in villages, towns, metropolis' -- wherever our species may roam
Then I'd wish for Love, joyous, pure and unconditional
Love for the other as for oneself, completely non-judgmental
Love between family members in all our hovels and our homes
Love the whole world over, embedded in our genes and chromosomes
October 15, 2018
Entry in "Three Wishes" Poetry Contest
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