Three Words
As precious as gold
Your bronze skin shimmers beneath the crystal lights
Too many nights I have longed
To again inhale your sweet bouquet
Where have you been?
The fragrant marrow flows past those gathered to steal just
One glance at you
I inhale deeply, igniting memories of our past
You lay waiting
Your golden skin concealed beneath the alabaster blanket
Just as this night, I once inhaled your toxins
I longed to feel your golden flesh
To taste your moistness
To hear those three words spoken
Sung one more time
Where have you been?
I have waited too long
I spy the one who has brought you here tonight
He stands, speaking meaningless words
They have come for you
Not his pointless pondering
I have come for you
To hear those three words
Sung one more time
I see what others cannot
I know your skin trembles in anticipation
Two united once agin
The crystal lights dance, reflected in the cold steel
Held in his calloused hand
With lightning speed-
The razor-sharp edge comes down
Slicing through your beauty
The amber fluids flow past my eyes
And then, at last, they come
Just three words...
"Pass the gravy"