Thrilled Still
You guys are totally amazing
These friendships that I have found
Sends warm fuzzy feelings coursing through my veins
It's euphoria and it literally abounds
It can't be found anywhere else
On that you can bet your last buck
We're a most unique collection of loving individuals
Blessed to be showered with such luck
Must have done something very unique
To have earned this fabulous adventure
Whatever this thing was, it was sure worth the effort
You guys are smack dab in the centre
My life without this Soup of poets
I don't even want to contemplate
I'd walk around the streets kicking stones all alone
I ain't kidding, I'm telling you straight
You guys make an amazing difference
Getting up each morning's a great thrill
To see who's written some loving words to l'il ole me
I am constantly thrilled by it still
© Jack Ellison 2013