Throne Room
The voice of Love is gentle seeks your heart to mend
screaming and abusive speech to shield from defend
kindness you have robed in the heart of your Son
whose disciples are collecting all loved old and young
Grant he will the prayers of those seeking peace
those pursuing righteousness and from tyranny release
freedom from what causes harm to walk in Liberty
to find your joy and happiness to vision given see
God has made the promise in which he cannot lie
the hope of everlasting Life in Jesus never die
Love is as strong as Death a seal set on your heart
when you truly know his Love never from it depart
How pleasant it receives you with joy and delight
like the most beloved when standing in his sight
made like the savour so like honey sweet
a song with it's enchantment no other voice can meet
It cannot be compared to anything but God
for he is its source its living waters laud
the fairest of the fair where desire is complete
this is the throne of God on heart it must take seat
The elixir in the goblet intoxication of sweet wine
how the taste and smell and touch majesty divine
unspoiled and unpolluted its embrace is clean
never will mistreat you be violent or mean
To dare to look upon it and in its depths be found
water it does all life and gives fertile ground
without it there's no Light to life where in darkness set
those who follow hatred live in Death forget
Awake awake oh sleeper lift your eyes on High
Love is the only thing we're assured can never die
It holds the universe together exists for all Time
like God we hold its passing memory deeply in our mind
Fall I do in worship beneath its gaze I bow
that into his presence by Son he does allow
to let us stand before him and take us in embrace
when we become like him we will know his face
sources Song of Solomon 8:6-7 Galatians 5:14-25
1Cor 13:12 1John 3:1-6 Titus 1:2
COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC