Love Poem: Through the Pains of Young Love Lost
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Written by: Marcedies Rhodes

Through the Pains of Young Love Lost

Through The Pains Of Young Love Lost

I feel for your eyes for your smile and the trick you pulled on me.I was young I was in love.
Every time we talked I felt nervous but I was more happy to speak to you.But the day you left this world I felt my heart break I slowly started drifting from this world that no longer held you.I could have protect you I could have showed you my love,but I did see the pain behind your laugh.No more I want to be with you This world no longer has you I shall travel to the farthest reach of the earth just to fell your warm touch your wonderful smile and your beauty once again.I will even end my life to be with you that is how much you mean to me.But I must think for I know that you would want me to live but the pain of losing you make me question that very thought how can I how must I move on move forward?This pain is something I must carry for it is what remind me of you.It is something hideous yet it is beautiful that why I shall live but I shall die for in this world you no longer or held or loved and remember.This is the pain of going through love and losing love lost to it all in youth.