Through the Years
It’s a heart who hurts
When someone takes the easy way out,
Leaving behind a love, a hope
The beautiful in a song, a star, a silent
Joy that inspires the greatest light
It’s a soul who aches
When someone decides to let go,
Leaving behind the wonders,
Blessings that colored the life in good,
Whispering faith only love understood
It’s a spirt who suffers
When someone learns it is easier
To give into the comfort, the undemanding
So that there isn’t any giving from the inside
Where God brings the greatest feelings into being
It’s a life who grieves
When someone refuses to hold on
When the heart and soul become lost
Among those things that are less important,
The empty promises and worthless doubts, the futile
It’s a love that agrees
When someone decides to believe
In tomorrow with an open heart, a gentle hope
Who struggles through the sorrows, wipes away tears
And remembers that real love will last throughout the years!