Tid Bits
Great God Almighty, I took you throughout this heartland.
It was oops, uh oh and Jesus Christ all of the way we went.
I shewed or I spewed those great mightier and all you sent.
Created and destroyed were all of those left held in a hand.
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust we left them all in your sand.
My, me oh my revelations came shining through in time lent.
They ran to and fro with dim lights that were warped or bent.
I gave and I saved for this that and the other for a high brand.
I went all the way up and all the way down.
Beside myself I turned life and death to me.
I found a medium so I stood on my ground.
I tell you today I do shine sea to shining sea.
They all left and tossed their chips calling it quits.
But I my Sir have it all here and there in Tid-Bits!