Tied Up With You
You gave me some time
When you said you’d be mine
But it wasn’t enough
Kept my heart on your cuff
You traveled around
For your job town to town
You’d send out a text
And I’d wait for the next
They came once a day
Asked how and said hey
They seemed nice enough
But I needed your touch
You promised me the world
One day I’d be your girl
Just one more time
To work in the mines
Sent me a ring
So I’d wear your bling
Said I want all to know
That it’s not just for show
They won’t be mistaken
When they see you are taken
I put it on
Said I’d carry on
And sit here for you
My love it is true
But day after day
There was a delay
How long do I wait
I pondered my fate
When would you come through
To this promised life anew
I felt alone
And worried by the phone
Then there were days
That past by in haze
I stopped counting
My face started frowning
I no longer felt happy
I missed your fun laughter
You said maybe sooner
Worked hard for our future
Months they went by
I then started to cry
I can’t go on like this
Do you remember my kiss?
My soft warm embrace
When you left in such haste
Am I important?
Will you call in the morning?
Don’t know what to do
My dreams include you
Do I wait or I go?
I need to know!
Is your heart also blue?
Like mine missing you?
Are you consumed by your job?
My youth you will rob
Some nights I just sob
My heart how it throbs
Or do you hide?
Won’t you come to my side?
I sit here too long
I feel so forlorn
My love I can’t take
Time for me please make
You just got quiet
Said we’d meet at the Hyatt
How long till that time
You couldn’t reply
But I’m counting on you
Please don’t be blue
All will be better
When we are together
So here I am
My heart in a pen
Tied up with you
And longing for truth
Written 01/02/21 1AM