Till Death Do Me Apart
Till death do me apart
by Steven Pineda
“This one goes out to the ones that fall in Love”
The heart stitched from two pieces.
Still beating but with no meaning.
The lonelyness comes in with the night like a monster hiding under my bed feeding on my empty soul.
I long for love and attention.
The bed is like a cold tomb just me laying in the grave no one else just me.
Its cold dark no warmth the body shrivels and awaits a companion to take me into the sunlight to be warmed.
The butterfly's have left or died in my stomach I feel just emptiness.
I fein the need to catch the high of being loved and comforted by someone who needs me.
I wish I wasnt forgotten.
My best friend greets me with nausea and the fear of dying alone.
Where is my love I need it to be revived from this lonelyness void.
I walk a path that leads no where and see the world in shades of grey.
Sometimes I await death for that will immortalize me in everybodys mind and I will be loved and not forgotten.