Time For Children
Once in a blue moon
Once upon a time
Time to wake up
Time to tell the truth
Truth will come out
Truth will set you free
Free to be yourself
Free to fly
Fly far away
Fly with eagles' wings
Wings that lift you high
Wings steady and strong
Strong as an ox
Strong enough to last
Last forever
Last call
Call a friend
Call collect
Collect coins
Collect your thoughts
Thoughts of love
Thoughts of people
People who matter
People who care
Care for the sick
Care for their souls
Souls that are lost
Souls redeemed by love
Love that never fails
Love that won't let go
Go for the gold
Go in peace
Peace of mind
Peace with God
God Most High
God is love
Love beyond measure
Love without end
End of strife
End of days
Days of our lives
Days bright with hope
Hope for all people
Hope for the future
Future of the world
Future of our children
Children we have borne
Children of our love