Time Slip Not
When they pleasure powered down to rest,
their twin-engine heart was beating still
at the arterial warp speed of galactic love
With the endorphin catalyst fuel shutdown,
the rocket passion blast
was nearing impulse horizontal inertia
The space mariner woman at the bed starboard helm,
told her right-hand man navigating
to turn the hip thrusters off
They were entering the nebulous
mind-meld zone
A mysterious space-time place,
where the soul pulsar gravitational curvature
formed a time slip-knot:
A bonding phenomenon where time slip not
The captain of this supernova class starship,
guided the navigator’s empath thoughts
with her sparkling, ruby-coated lips
Giving moaning, non-verbal commands telepathically
Alerting him where the next neutrino orgasm
micro-particles would hit at multiple vulnerable spots
Opening ecstasy fissures in the epidermal hull skin
As other asteroidal pelvic disruptions
made the body-shaped ship merge force-field shudder
The time slip-knot
was a quantum quirk realm of hot
dilithium electromagnetic loving
They were caught in the invisible force
of two strong gender poles of attraction ...
causing time to slip not
The stars were frozen into place
like a crystalline solar plasma lake,
due to the time slip-knot
The dimension where perfunctory
social thermodynamic physics were forgot
The fastest stream of consciousness
slowed to a virtual excitation phase shift halt ...
Reversing the anticipated climax ecliptic slingshot,
lovemaking vibrations moved with stilled thought velocity —
Reaching the outer limits where time slip not
The starship enters into a centripetal vortex of sweat,
plunging into the black hole of no biochemical regret
Coming out on the other side
of the molecular maelstrom kinetic frenzy
Solar sailing thru the null pain void,
on serene serotonin waves of the deep-space emotional sea
Charting the light-years of joy ahead,
flight destination: twin planets X’ura and N’gora,
the charming, AI computer voice said
Retreating into their co-joined cushioned pod,
they rode the erotic cosmic journey out
in suspended romantic animation —
Face to face