Time Swirled Messages
Each poem’s a web that I hang (time-smoked adage
that swirls in the sky) and dream seasons rare eyes!
With no thought of entrapment or hope of ingesting,
rhyme longs more to bless you, verse whispers, “Hello.”
Heart’s a door I crack open, not yearning for new friends
(though some are OK), but in faith, where faults too
(my aired laundry), serves Waylaid, integrity dearer
than platitudes floated that barely mask sin.
My hope’s some will see life’s reflection (not presage,
taste sugar glazed donuts, hear soft lullabies),
feel in spirit less lonely, grok I’m not protesting
God’s judgment at all! Still, it’d be a low blow
to lose Grace (I can’t work for), catch Hell (on free weekends).
Religion first-authored life’s “Catch - Twenty-Two?” (1)
How can ‘Word of God’ be a fresh ‘Truth’ to each hearer
and stay ‘Word of God?’ Is ‘Grace’ all and ‘Faith’ spin?
Are poems groked better than Bible in man’s hands?
Fools try to sell Scripture; there’s honor in that?
Are priests practiced deceivers who break the meek’s kneecap
or servants who look more for truth in blessed lives?
Let us question like children, delight in God’s purview
that floats light as stones when they bounce on time’s lake.
Our God’s Truth is still true though we don’t understand it;
we live in Love’s aspect, find joy in His smile.
Let Ringers walk home or be grist, plate for God’s guile!
To pitch by ‘just’ rules can put me in a snit!
But I’m fonder of Grace now than cat batting snowflake,
no strikes, balls, or fouls called, and no I O U!
Still, I lean towards a title and draft my incentives
for pitchers mean little when muse is on tap.
And if chewing’s your pleasure, then chomp on this format.
A Christian’s the one who won’t bunt God’s commands!
Brian Johnston
Poet’s Notes:
This last stanza was fun. I was not a big baseball fan though (except for ‘workup’ in grade school).
(1) ‘Catch-22’ is the title of a famous book by Joseph Heller. The title suggests: You can’t be insane enough to be excused from doing what needs doing if you’re intelligent enough to know that those already doing it are nuts!