Time To Step Aside
Son Scott, is following in Daddy's footsteps
So proud of that boy of mine
Technology's gotten way ahead of me now
Back then, my designs made me shine
But Scottie has taken it to a whole new level
He's made it in today's techno art
This old guy couldn't even begin to compete
I'd be blown right off the cart
Kind of sad, but that's progress I guess
Make way for the new generation
Out with the old ways and in with the new
Time for the next innovation
Guess it was time, due for retirement
Would've continued on if I could
That day has arrived, I am yesterday's man
If I could do it all over, I would
A good reason to greet the sun each morning
Thoughts of an exciting new project
Forever challenging my artistic abilities
Was at my best coming up with new concepts
Sadly, this life is leaving me behind me
Must step aside for the new generation
Was a total blast for almost fifty-five years
A time of such great inspiration
© Jack Ellison 2014