Timeless, Interchangeable Love
Every time day turns to night
I long to have you in my sight
And every time night turns to day
I long to be in your arms where you lay
And just as the sunshine turns to rain
I feel you can wash away all my pain
And just as the rain turns to sunshine
I feel you can brighten this lonely heart of mine
And as today becomes tomorrow
Wherever you lead, I’m sure to follow
And as tomorrow becomes today
Wherever you wind up is where I’ll stay
And while the A before M changes to P
I want you with me for you are all I want to see
And while the P before M changes to A
I want you with me to embrace the new day
And when the sun rises above the earth
Understand that our love has undergone a rebirth
And when the earth rises above the sun
Understand that our love has just begun
“Timeless, Interchangeable Love”
by: Eric L. Boddie