Your face lays soft on the surface of my mind
a deep reflection beneath the shadow of my soul
that leaves me smiling in the twilight of life
as I wonder about love from long ago
that stays with my lost rainbows sought
when eyes melted between ripples of time
and lips formed to kiss the breathless moments
that were captured in the palms of love's passion's divine
Kept in yesterday's misty dreams of hunger fed
filled when raindrops splashed against the window of the dawn
when love hid, in morning's bed
where the sweat from our skin felt like dewdrops...falling
as we sought the soft golden glow from the sun
Like flowered petals opening to embrace the light calling
like feathered wings lifting our souls above
in gentle flight to another time, another place
a jeweled memory held close
in a silent glorious intimate space
that dwelled in the heart of our love