Times can be hard with a broken heart
Times can be tough, as I know they are
There are times you cry from saddness, as I know you do
But please look at what the future could hold for you
I know you had a love you thought would last
But don't keep looking into the past
Let the past be a memory in your heart and mind
Let the future guide you from what was left behind
You need to look deep and see what all you can do
For true happiness is within you
Even with your saddness within every tear
You need to know happiness again is near
Even through all the anger you hold deep inside
You are still someone with who friends confide
Even with all the hurtful thoughts you have a on your mind
Please know love and happiness you will again find
You will get over all the hurt you feel
With time, your broken heart will heal
Life will get better with every step
As long as your hopes and dreams you always kept
You will meet someone who you will love just as much
Someone who gives you true happiness with every touch
I pray that time comes soon for you
So you can once again feel happiness with all you do