Time's Flight
I am lost in a weakness, expressed in helplessness, watching on
I can do nothing to stop times’ flight, when soon you will be gone
I see you suffer, get weaker each day, yet our love is ever stronger
Devotion to you does not diminish, as your frail frame grows weaker
It opens a gaping wound within me, I know there is nothing I can do
A lifetime poured out, each for the other, now eternity awaits you
Shallow you breathe, pain in each gasp you make, I soothe your brow
I tell you time and again how much I love you, a thousand times how
You hear my words, though silent you remain, a burden nearly past
I hold onto your hand whispering my prayers, your life is fading fast
Soon you will breathe no more, my wild tears on your pillow will fall
In gentle breezes, in future days, I will your sweet, soft voice recall
So many years spent together, many memories shared will never die
As you leave me my love, forgive my frailty, while I sit here and cry
Patrick Brennan ©