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Written by: Anthony Blake


The Titanic
A ship unsinkable
The aftermath unthinkable
A ship with all the avion’ and majesty
The voyage from Southampton in British waters
There was a couple, IDA AND ISIDOR STRAUS of particular interest
They were connected to MACY’S DEPARTMENT STORE as CO-OWNERS
Their love was always united in sophistication and splendor
Devastation would take a certain turn
The Titanic just hit an iceberg and was now being to sink
The Ship’s Captain and his mates ordered the woman and children into the lifeboats
IDA STRAUS refused to depart from her husband, ISIDOR	
She quoted these words, “I will not be separated from my Husband as we have lived so shall we die together”
As the Titanic sank ever so close to the bottom of the seas, they were on deck together holding arm in arm being forever love will always live on in the Heavenly skies
Love being the lookout and uplifted
The many passengers that departed with the wounds taken with them with life extended into a new life
A Solomon quote, “Many waters cannot quench love, but neither can the floods drown it”
Titanic mission fulfilled but not complete.