Title To Come Later
Who am I?
Oh where to begin,
I am never before,
And I am never again.
don't like to cause waves
But a hurricane I'll brew,
If thats what it takes,
To be rid of you.
When your tired of the kinfe,
Thats stuck inside your back,
You'll know the stiffness of a spine.
And when your sick of your heart break,
you'll know ribs as hard as mine.
when you know hwen to stand,
and your lefs become hard,
you'll know the time to fight
and your shoulders become broad
the arms become stiff,
and your ready to swing,
when you know to protect,
and you don't care about winning.
This is who I am.
And where I begin,
I am never before,
And I am never again.
And if you compare,
to this, you, I dare,
you mock my spark,
and i'll give you a flare.
Better run if your scared,
I'll kill every ryhme dumped,
And credit I don't share.
Made this way,
with a soul to play,
bet all i have
that i can show you the way
Cause this is who i am
i dont care where you began,
i am never before,
and i am never again
I am what i sing,
you wanna know who i am
will details i bring.
rejection ive known
since the age of 2
it's true
and it ain't gonna hurt me
if you reject too.
callus with mallus
just what can you do?
love is a fallacy,
don't exist for me,
just you.
So rub it in my face,
Like lotion sting my eyes,
and i'll be a swatter
to shoo you like flies
And if to the top i rise
a hand you wont get
drown if you want
but about you i won't fret
this song is who i am
and since it all began
I've been a never before
and i am a never again.
tell me you love me
see just what you get,
the question ain't do you like.
But can you handle it?
cause love aint what i get
when i look into your eye's
i see lies
just another devil with a clever disguise
can you see me?
Do you know what i am?
I'm a never before,
and a never again.
you won't find another me,
i'll find a million of you.
i'm lookin for someboddy
that i can see through.
see what youve done,
and just what you can do?
a subject of me is now
all about you.
but i wont lose myself again
give up what i am for you
done to many times before
so your gettin the boot
if i cant be me around you,
than your just another fly,
now shoo.
cause you can't take who i am,
theres even more of me from when it began
by now you better understand,
can you comprehend?
that i was never before,
and i am never again.