To -- S a R A
May I tell YOU a story , about Prayer in my Life
There was a time I hated my GOD, (as a foolish waif)
I cried for so long when HE took “ LENORE “ my Wife
It took 26 years before I Prayed “Please keep Lenore safe”
Now every time when I kneel down, Bow my head and Pray
I know that GOD will answer me, in a very LOVING Way
Let’s all hold hands, and Pray to GOD for Sara and Her Son
A Prayer or two For Rhonda H and my Friend Vince’s Son
Take away the pain and Sorrow as we praise YOUR Name
Yesterday , Today , Tomorrow , and for the eons of ETERNITY
In the name of the Father - God : The Son - Salvation : and the--
Holy Spirit - The Comforter Who absorbs the tears WE cry : AMEN
Dedicated To Sara Kendrick and HER Family May YOU be Blessed
by the POWER of PRAYER ; With LOVE ALWAYS...Harry