To Be In Love
Keen to meet his pretty new girlfriend,
He put on his best expensive shirt,
He combed his long curls to recent trend,
Well ironed trousers, no speck of dirt!
Brushed perfect teeth to glistening white,
Tested smile on mirror for effect,
Hint of perfume, the blue tie just right,
Who would deny youngster so perfect!
Ushered into expensive hotel,
He slowly looked for his lovely friend,
Beside scented bouquet is his belle,
Smiling she greeted him to her end,
Dressed in crimson with embroidery,
If love could personify, she is it,
Her lips, her cheeks like some pink berry,
Glowing emotion in room dim lit!
God does not live in some unknown sphere,
Do not look for Him in church or books,
See God in the love of these two here,
Their joys, their kisses, their divine looks!
‘A’ Lipogram poetry’ contest
No letter ‘A‘
Sponsor Emile Pinet
Written 26/08/2020
Checked at howmanysyllables. com
(9 syllables except line 14 which has 10)
Rhyme words checked at