To Be With You - Collaboration With Darren White:
I would trade it all in for your gentle smile,
The touch of your hand, let's walk for a while,
Let our passions burn in a loving embrace,
Allowing love to roam, both follow in chase.
With eyes closed, I hear you I feel you so near,
Your voice, your sweet eyes, make my day and night clear,
Hold me so tight to you, embrace, don't let go,
Until we're one person, for I love you so.
I would trade my fortune, my house, all for you,
I would sell my car, my whole land, my shoes too,
Make me wake up to you, tonight, every night,
Make me so happy, make my darkness all light.
Sleep in my heart, love in my arms, ease my mind,
Be real like you used to, don't leave me behind.
(11 syllables per line)