To Bless Him Who Blesses
*** To Bless Him Who Blesses ***
Reflections cast their twinkling
Over night’s glass
Black mirroring seas…
Across the bond of heart and soul
To wonder,
To ask,
Who goes to comfort…
When knowing all
God may be moved to weep?
Tears of the Divine — Holy
Tears of the Eternal — Holy
Weeping, God Alone — Holy ~
Surely, see
He who could create rocks that cry out ~
Who has the power to make miracles of joy from suffering -
Who can touch our own souls throughout time.
As His children, made in His image, we can know
He is saddened by our sinning, while simultaneously
Grieving for our dying oceans, and commanding
Legions fighting the on-going war for Good over Evil.
Could keep
His own soul from grieving and sorrows?
Only ever allowing joy?
Surely, witness,
The life of His Son Jesus answers, “No.”
So precious, then, may sound
Our prayers of gratitde and praise,
Giving special attention to the growing of our souls
And the love felt within for all, especialy for Him.
Repeating, “Alleluia,” from the heart;
To pray hope for His having pauses of peace; and
To bless Him who blesses.
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(c) sally young eslinger 2/18/23
Thanks be to God…