To Erase Or Not To Erase?
Perchance, if I could parts of life erase,
by careful choice select the times to keep,
I’d treasure love’s long walks on sunny days,
and cast aside the shade where I did weep
upon the morn you closed your eyes to mine,
forsaking me to chase a wanton breeze;
negate the lapse between my heart and thine,
to hold the nights we lay entwined with ease.
If this eraser I should choose to wield,
to moor thy heart and gently clip thy wing,
I ask, in time, would wretched fate be sealed,
as I, unmeant, forbade thy soul to sing?
Speak fondly to me from thy heart’s refrain,
that I may know my love was ne’er in vain.
*** for 'Rub it Out' contest