To G O D Be the Glory
As I walked through the ‘PEARLY GATES” and saw :LENORE on the far shore
Waving exuberantly, running atop the Aqua Blue, tranquil “ Ocean of Heaven “
Running toward me: long Auburn hair flowing : Jade green eyes, Sparkling
My HEART leaps as I too run atop the Aqua Blue, tranquil “ Ocean of Heaven “
Our arms wide open, gliding towards Togetherness, a Oneness with G O D
We Embrace, a Brilliant Heavenly LIGHT explodes: Cascading o’er the Universe
The Saints, Angels and Arch-Angels singing Exaltations to the Almighty G O D
Hymns becomes whispers LENORE and I ENTWINE, Her warmth Radiates
Our Kiss erases a Lifetime of Sorrow pain agony LONELINESS for all ETERNITY
WE become one entity with the FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT
THANK-YOU G O D for YOUR Agape Love for L E N O R E and I
Blessings to all living in an Earthly REALM