To Give You My All
Where on earth have you fled to?
I never wanted to just watch you leave
Performing the abortion of abandonment
Perhaps I was a disappointment for letting you go
Flooded with ignorance, I just didn’t know
I want to always be there for you
To shine down upon your unseen, inner glow
To see you smile with your brand new life
And to share in the happiness of an open eye
I simply do not know where you are
Or what you are feeling right now
But I should like to be your journey’s end
A settlement of tranquility, yet arduous color
Open up your demonizing doors
I will give you more and more and more
Until I have nothing left to give
But myself
My entire essence and being
You deserve to see what I am seeing
You deserve what is fairly yours
And I am sorry for the absence
I just didn’t know
How to care for such a delicate masterpiece
How to maintain a beautiful thing
I never know what to say
To bring you to peace
Maybe I shall say nothing and fall
To give you my all