To His Next Girl
Dear his future girlfriend,
Please love him in the ways I couldn't.
Baby him when he's sick.
He says he hates it, but he doesn't.
He'll tell you not to get him gifts,
But the smallest things make him happy.
Make him something, he'll love it.
Let him be the small spoon sometimes.
Hold him tight
And leave small kisses on his back.
Don't let him pick up smoking again.
He loves 2 big scoops of sugar in his coffee,
But he prefers tea.
Don't get angry at him when he forgets,
He's always been forgetful
But he remembers the most important things.
He loves comedy movies,
But he will watch your favourite movie with you
No matter how much he hates it.
He might not surprise you on Valentine's day
But he'll surprise you randomly
Because he'll love you everyday.
Take him to the zoo.
He loves the animals,
But loves watching children's first time there more.
He prefers staying in to going out
He loves home cooked meals
He's a mama's boy.
You'll know he's upset
Because he avoids you.
He'll come around soon (he loves cuddles)
You might think you love him more
Because you show it more often
But believe me, he loves you more than anything.
He'll carry you to bed if you fall asleep on the couch.
He'll make your favourite food when you're sad.
He will do anything to make you happy.
He likes to sing softly to himself.
He's embarrassed when people hear him,
So just listen quietly.
Most importantly,
Don't let him go.
Because you'll miss him more as each day passes.