Love Poem: To Honyfly

To Honyfly

Walk in the cemetery (Butterfly is Honeyfly or Wasp?)

  Honeyfly, do you know how my times I walked in 
  that cemetery?
  I found a lot of interesting things there. The dead live. 
  Live. They talked to me
  One of them always followed me to Wembley to my  home                       
   A deceased priest

  He needed to help me. He said often, no woman, please
  please, just write and write  (He gave me so many ideas)
  He lives there centuries ago, that cemetery is a gate 
  between life and death
  Go there. Go there, please. My priest waiting for you. We are     
   mortals. Do you want to live?

                                                       With eternal love, 

                                                                                Demon Vilmos