To Kill the Dead
As I stand by my coffer
Like the Ganges let my tears cleanse your soul
For I go to fight my demons
And the cheers from the arena will echo through the world
Let them forever whisper the moments we had
For I learnt to kill the dead
As I sit by my grave
“I am not dead till you forget “in stone engrave
And this termites will feast me till am nothing I Rest in Distress
Let the soil absorb my sorrows
And the fruits remind you of the happiness we felt
For I learnt to kill the dead
As I sleep in the kiln
The world is my urn scatter me by the sea
And in the deepest trenches let my sins sink like debris
Let the wind Whisper my greatest deeds
And by your lips my legend will live
For I learnt to kill the Dead
As I take my seat in the Hades
The everlasting fire warm my soul I am cold
Burn my pain to ashes purify me to grace
Let the screams be music to your ears
Get a drink cheers my life celebrate
For I learnt to kill the dead