To Lee Harvey Oswald, My Lover
Flames – destroying everything –
Flames – I felt their heat –
The whirling world – it cannot stand—
In fevered circuit melts.
Those flames traverse
Throughout my bones,
Rage, hot, across my nerves,
Consuming all the stars I see
In heaven’s stretched-out canopy.
Fire – burning in my soul –
Fire – I felt its heat—
The dervish lust was scarce concealed
When he kissed my feet.
My firm and frail virginity--
My bosom -- plucked by him,
No apples bit in Paradise
More ample with our sin.
Flames – destroying everything –
When true love caught me up
From that false vintage that I quaffed
From a false Loving Cup.
O, you burnt brighter than the lust
That, fiery, op’d my doors;
And in your passion, warm with love,
A galaxy was born.
Jan. 11, 2009 Istanbul
Background for this poem: Lee Harvey Oswald was falsely accused of killing President
Kennedy. I was in contact with Lee only 37 1/2 hours before the assassination. Don't believe
what propaganda-writing paid flunkies have written about me or about LHO. The cover-up is
real, and thinking people now have the evidence on YouTube and elsewhere. See my website
at for more information. I'm writing this note of
explanation because other poems here also refer to Lee Oswald, such as "The Magazine
Bus," and "Lord of the Galaxies." My book, Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose
Lee Harvey Oswald, will be published this spring by Trine Day Publications. This is the latest
of dozens of poems written about LHO, some of which are published here at Poetr Soup.