To Live, To Dream, Being With the Goddess Yet Again
To Live, To Dream, Being With The Goddess Yet Again
I walk with trepidation, nine inch nails in my aching soul
A grieving ghost, far, far atop a long black telephone pole
This ole heart has taken bullets, yet lived to still smile
Crawled through cesspool and walked ten thousand miles
Fought a mad raging tiger, gouged out its yellow eyes
Stole a spaceship and far away into Venus flies
Yet your love did me in, I was a snake without any skin
A hiding animal, running from world's dark naked sin
And that August midnight saw me in a tough city bar
Drunk to the gills, fighting three men, how I got my scars
But my baby, your cruel lying breakup destroyed the "Me"
And into a savage dry desert I did with great haste flee.
O' but on some mornings I wake from a most delicious dream.
We naked together, in the shower, making up our own great steam.
Robert J. Lindley, July1, 1977
Note. \
She ripped out my poor soul and then spat upon it
Her vicious anger cut me like thousand blades
I endured her slicing words, her cruel and vilest stare
Then in the end she broke my nose with her last hit.
Note- And yes this poem composed based upon my life, a true story. I view myself as lucky to be alive. Her beauty almost killed me. RJL