Love Poem: To Love A Poet
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Written by: Roses Roses

To Love A Poet

To Love A Poet: 
Once upon a time I fell in love
But it was different because I fell for a poet
So, the fall was more of a jump out an airplane
Scared for my life putting up all my walls as I fall through the air
And she would just spray paint my fears into something beautiful
To skin your knee for a poet is to bruise your heart
But in a good way
Because you see poetry different when you love within the poem still being written
You notice things you would never open your eyes for
You try things not because you want to, but you want to have that moment with her
You want to see her smile that smile that is tattooed to your slumber
That smile that blooms because you were there
And you begin to love something you wouldn't give a second thought to because of her
And then it hurts knowing the possibility of it all leaving
Pain bruises when she is upset
The eyes of my heart are watery because she is a poet 
Which means she is not ready to settle down
Her butterfly wings still have more adventures to write about
I know I'm just a poem in her book
But it's a damn good poem
So, I don't care that the ending was not how I would leave the period
Because to love a poet is to live 
To love a poet is to be able to defy gravity
To love a poet is to have a moment you'll never forget
p.s. thank you for helping me write my own poems...