To Love and Be Loved
Who has seen me
and known me can tell
that this image reflects
the image of the Lord God.
Never allow vanity
to take over your life,
make this commitment:
live for others, be their light.
When blood is shed
for a good cause,
a reward awaits
anyone who has bravely fought.
Perhaps peace
is not impossible
to achieve, even hope
can glow in very dark places.
Never listen to leaders
that promise change
when their words are shallow,
be shrewd and wise.
If the glamor of fortunes
deludes, accept humbleness
as a blessing and share
with all the little you have.
We were born to fulfill His purpose,
not to hate, kill and destroy,
but to hold each other's hand:
to love and be loved.
Only at the end of one's life,
one realizes how brief and difficult
the journey has been not having had
enough time to know and love everyone.