To Mom
Mom, I tried to think of
What to get for you this year
I wondered how to give you something new
And as I thought of the best way
To show that you are dear
I knew without a doubt what I should do
I figured it was time for me
To write in my own words
And tell you all about the way I feel
For, as much as cards in stores
Are eloquent and sweet
It’s what comes from MY heart that makes it real
No Hallmark message ever could
Convey the love I have
In just the way that I would let you know
That through the years you’ve come to be
More precious every day
Please trust that I will always love you so
Remember on those days
When you may be feeling low
Your daughter loves you very, very much
That even though we’re far apart
She thinks of you in prayer
And often longs to feel her mother’s touch
So, let this day be filled
With happy memories
Of when your children gathered all around
When happiness sprung from sparkling eyes
And laughter filled the room
When joy was such an overwhelming sound
Know that your children treasure you
Although at times may fail
To give you the respect that you are due
But we know that you’ve deserved
Our deepest heartfelt thanks
For everything you’ve done…and you still do!
I love you, Mom!
Written for Carolyn Turner by Donna Golden (for Mother’s Day) May, 2008 ©