Love Poem: To My Babies
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Written by: Ashley Gilchrist

To My Babies

To My Babies
To My Babies 
By: Ashley Marie Gilchrist
May 13, 2016

This poem is for all my babies 

To my babies, I love you all
Very much, there is not a day 
Goes by that I don't think of you 
All. To my babies I miss you all
Every day. To my babies there are 
days that I cry myself to sleep.
To my babies I wish that I could 
See you all one more time or even
once ever. To my babies I wish I could 
Hold you one more time or even once ever.
Too my babies that are in heaven mommy 
Is so sorry that I could not be able to see you or
Hold you, but I believe that God has put you all
In a special place up there in heaven.
To My three beautiful and handsome children 
That I had to give up for adoption please 
Understand that I did what was best for 
You guys because Mommy could no longer 
Provide for the things that you all needed.
That doesn't mean I don't love you, it means 
That I loved you all more than anything to
Give you to people that could. I love you all more 
Than you could ever know. To all my babies 
Mommy and Daddy loves you to the moon
and back a million times and that's still not
Even enough. Mommy and daddy had to make the 
Most difficult decision in our lives by giving you up.
We are very sorry for everything.

Written by:
Ashley Marie Gilchrist
May 13, 2016