To My Beloved, Bitten By a Bee
How pity! How tingly! How niggling to hear!
Ah! Some lousy bee has bitten you!
That delicate muscle of your upper-arm,
While on your house’s roof, leaving clothes to dry!
Have you rubbed over with knife and thrown the stinger out?
Have you applied an onion over or still not!
Oh! How ugly, how atrocious the bee bad,
Must in shame deplore, on her dirty deed!
How oafish she, how shameless she,
Hurt an elegant lady! Bit her flowery skin!
Does it still swell, does it still burn?
Oh no! Let me do not know it; for it will raise my missing you more!
Just take care of, like I myself would:
Rubbing, kissing and cuddling—close!