To My First Love
Yes, life was then good and I had peace
Until in the dark, I was stabbed in the back
By the dicey devil whom I now hear tease
I’m left alone to handle my life with luck
Yesterday, alcohol led me into a gutter
Where debris of my past were left for me to gather
To be the map to the peace I search
Back into the arms of my childhood church
What about these drugs and girls I lust?
The gambling with which I have my pleasure?
To a life devoid of drugs, and even to fast?
Well, I hope it will lead me to that priceless treasure
To a place I can finally lay down my burden
Where I can finally watch the past crumble and fall
Where the living streams of water cleanses sin
Back to the one I love, unto Jesus will I give my all
On His mighty shoulders will I cast the guilt I suffer
And forget all the devil promised but failed to offer
As I jump and dance myself from the chains of slavery
To enjoy the peace He sacrificed on the cross of Calvary