To My "layla"
Where is that woman
I so loved so long ago?
And for reasons unfathomed
I love as much still
Beauty beyond compare
to me
Simple in thought
But complex in love
Years of remorse
have run their course
They have worn me down
I admit, I deserve no more
For as i guess oft happens
A fool will hurt himself
Where is she now? I wonder
Does she sleep alone like me?
Or next to someone
She wishes is elsewhere
Or, if blessed with luck-
Entwined in the arms
Of one she so loves
Oh, if it could be me
Foolish me...
Unable to endure
A love so intense
I felt I was losing
my identity
I found this powerful
love, this passion,
almost an obsession
Too scary to deal with
So I walked-
and 35 years later
so much
would love to
retrace my steps...
leading to her...
At least to know
how her life has unfolded
Not to rekindle
Love's embers
I'm not the same
as I was then
Worn down by years
Of abuse and pain
Yet every day
I think of her again
The apple of my eye
Layla incarnate
Once bodies entwined
Sweetest hours of my life
I'm a fool
So much a fool
Regret is my daily meal
Fools deserve no more
For many years gone by,
And many years to come
I will regret...
The acts of this fool."