To My Lodestar On Anniversary 53
To My Lodestar
Anniversary 53
By: Miracle Man
Today we celebrated anniversary number fifty-three,
Ernestine thought at the start she’d soon change me.
Now she says the excitement has been too hard to bear,
Like “Eating mashed potato sandwiches”, while pulling hair.
She didn’t know that in Webster’s unabridged you’d see,
Beside the word pugnacious, there was a picture of me.
Now I know, “A house divided against itself, cannot stand,”
But with two careers, we’ve enjoyed, “The fat of the land.”
“We’ve fought the good fight” and continue together,
We’ve had many sunny days and some stormy weather.
And now as we approach the end of life’s course,
We still plow our field, as a team, not a single horse.
With all our shortcomings we’ve both done our best,
God has blessed our lives as we’ve faced each test.
We are surely well thought of by all of our peeps,
If “A person is known by the company he keeps.”
Dedicated to my Lodestar
On 53 years of putting up with me.