To My Mother
Mom, the power was within your womb
You Carried me nine month and bought me out of this world
The thought of you holding this very new life
I write this for you, mother
Because your love for me was unconditional
You are a rose in the vein of my life
through the years growing with you was defiantly hard and strife
you have struggle with one pair of shoe on dice
And carried the hard labor with $5.50 and yet you fill our plate with brown rice
You struggle with tears and with Jesus you did fought the fear
I know you work hard for the dime
Mom you have went through hard time
But, still you call on Jesus and he comfort you
But, still you call on Jesus and He strengthen you
I write this for you, mother
You made a daring sacrifice and unselfish desire
You were always there whenever I needed you
cause your love for me was straightforward and true
Mom, you are my best award Jesus have ever given me
The best one
Though I may not be the best son
Having you in my life,
by listen to you,
God had found me a special wife
I am more blessed than having you than silver or gold
in your very arms I was that little one that you have hold
mom I love you because you are very bold
You are the senses of my comfort
though trouble on each side
Jesus delivered us from the rough tide.
while the enemy try to make me feel impotent
Throughout the whole years of my life you made me fill important
I thank you Jesus for an extraordinary mom
Through encouragement and praise
through the stormy blaze
God amazing grace
made me say your the greatest mom that I have ever had.
thank you mom for taken care of me
I appreciate you mom
by Stanley jean Jacques