To My Muse
To My Muse
As the rays of the sun at morn
Illuminates the new-born day,
So the sparks of your shining smiles
Dispel the darkness in my way
Instil some savour of living
In a soul pining with deep pains,
With the body battered by storms
And the bones aching with strains.
A fair angel with snow-white wings
Dispatched by the grace of the Lord
In the quietude of the night
A strand of comfort to afford,
Whisper in my vigilant ears,
Inspire in the quill of my pen
Melodious words to carve verses
As tribute to the Lord and men.
The sight of your angelic self
Alleviates the wrath of my pains,
Sends my spirits soaring up high,
Elevates the pitch of my brain
And sets my poetic veins aflame;
When the heart and the soul do yearn
To scan the poetic ocean
Can body and mind not listen!
O Muse, grace with wispy wings
And fan the ambers of my flame
That I may reach the graceful sky
And steadily inscribe my name
On the bright scrolls of poetry
That generations that do wish,
From verses stockpiled on the web
May just for their pleasure relish.
O darling Muse, whom I cherish,
Ditch me not in mid of the way
That I sink in the stream of shame,
Ditch me not when clouds veil the day;
You are my sole and only muse
Until I do heave my last breath,
Until I can feel the sunshine,
Until my frame will rest on earth.