To My Parents In Heaven
Years go by and memories dim and fade
Many, once so close and familiar are gone
Most of them have faded into oblivion
But those of whom one can never forget, stay on
Oh, dear Appa (Dad) and Amma (Mom) in Heaven
As the days of Christmas draw near, memories parade
Not in an orderly queue, but in a jumbled mass
And your loving faces, before our eyes, flash, and fade.
Leaving inerasable memories, you departed in silence.
When sick or unwell you always wrapped us up in prayer
Now you stay in a place untouched by stain or strain.
From there, you watch over us with tender care.
When festive days arrive, we miss you so badly
Though days and years pass, we feel you so near
But we know, you cannot come down from your sphere
To be with us on this day to give us cheer
So, transcending the boundaries of space and time
Our hearts rise high to your loving presence
Where you stay secure from all sadness and sorrow
And abide with your Heavenly Father in perpetual jubilance
We see you celebrating Christmas with Jesus
Along with the ethereal throng in great joy and mirth
Kneeling by the throne surrounded by angels and seraphs
Listening to their celestial choir, glorifying the holy birth
On this festive day, we send you warm Christmas wishes
Wrapped in memories of the times we were so deeply loved
With loads of gratitude for the warmth you gave to last a lifetime
With an assurance that we will live up to the ideals you avowed
Though gone, every day we feel your presence,
Especially when lonely and lost, unable to find our way.
At the rim of the far-flung sky, we see you as two stars,
Blazing our path with the trail of light you shed on our way!
(My parents made a compatible pair
Being together for long 57 years, as man and wife
Far from perfect, yet complementary they fared.
One’s weakness compensated by the other’s strength
One’s rigidness indemnified by the other’s light heartedness
Graced with a rich sprinkle of compassion and piety,
With their strict adherence to the lofty ideals of life,
They set the solid foundation for our value system.)
Dec. 12. 2022
~Placed Second~
Christmas in Heaven Poetry Contest
Sponsor. B.J. Legros Kelley