To My Son
My son
You are the light of my eyes.
You are my sun.
Maybe I'm not a perfect mom
But you are my perfect one.
You are my smile
You are my breath.
Never forget to smile
Never forget to love
Never forget to show the world the light within you
Never give up
And if you fall
Get back up
The sun always rises in the east,
but no day is the same.
It doesn't matter if it rains,
if there are clouds or
if the sky is completely blue
Don't forget to show your light.
Don't forget yourself.
My son
Even if I'm not with you
I will always be your shelter.
The source of your strength.
Nobody is perfect
Never stop learning.
Don't run towards big dreams,
walk with small steps but surely.
My son
Never forget to be thankful
To the creator and to everyone who enters your life.
Leave the gates of your heart open,
GIve love as much as you can.
Don't get mad at yourself
if people don't understand you,
Laugh if you you want to laugh
Cry if you want to cry
Scream if you're going to scream
Never forget to be yourself
And above all,
never forget to be human.